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Ajwain seeds, also known as carom seeds, are indeed used as a spice in various cuisines. They have a distinctive flavor and aroma and are often included as an ingredient in curry powder blends. Ajwain is native to India and has been cultivated and used in Indian cooking for centuries. It is known for its strong, pungent taste and is commonly used in dishes like curries, bread, and snacks. The seeds are small, oval-shaped, and light brown in color. Apart from their culinary uses, ajwain seeds are also valued for their potential health benefits, such as aiding digestion and relieving flatulence.

  • Botanical Name Trachyspermum ammi
  • Family Umbelliferae
  • Harvesting Season -
  • Packaging & Labelling As per buyer’s requirement

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    Bay Leaf (Tejpatta)

    Bay leaf, also known as tejpatta, is a fragrant herb commonly used in cooking. It comes from the bay laurel tree, scientifically known as Laurus nobilis. The leaves are typically dried and used whole or ground in various cuisines around the world. Bay leaves have a distinct aroma and flavor, which is why they are often used as a seasoning agent in soups, stews, sauces, and braises. They add a subtle earthy and slightly floral note to dishes. While they can be eaten, bay leaves are usually removed before serving as their texture is tough and not pleasant to consume.


    Jabs ships different grades, as per the buyers requirement.

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      Black Pepper

      Black pepper (Piper nigrum) is a flowering vine in the family Piperaceae, cultivated for its fruit, which is usually dried and used as a spice and seasoning. The fruit, known as a peppercorn when dried, is approximately 5 millimetres (0.20 in) in diameter, dark red when fully mature and, like all drupes, contains a single seed. Peppercorns, and the powdered pepper derived from grinding them, may be described simply as pepper, or more precisely as black pepper, white pepper, or green pepper. Green peppercorns are simply the immature black peppercorns.

      • Botanical Name Piper nigrum
      • Family Piperaceae
      • Part Used Fruit Seed
      • Harvesting Season Jan, Dec
      • Packaging & Labelling As per buyer’s requirement

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        Black Cumin has a smoky, earthy taste. The plant grows wild in a wide range from southeastern Europe east to southern Asia. Black cumin, also known as nigella seeds or kalonji, is a small, black seed derived from the Nigella sativa plant. It has a distinctive flavor that is often described as peppery, nutty, and slightly bitter. It is often added to bread, curries, pickles, and spice blends.


        • Botanical Name: Bunium persicum
        • Family: Apiaceae
        • Part Used: Seed
        • Packaging & Labelling: As per buyer’s requirement

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          Cardamom, admired as “Queen of Spices” belongs to ginger family Zingiberaceae. It is one of the most exotic and highly priced spices across the globe after Vanilla and Saffron. Indian cardamom has a history as old as human civilization. Cardamom is a native plant of parts of India, Sri Lanka and parts of Southeast Asia, where it occurs in the wild. It has been introduced to other parts of Asia and is widely grown for its aromatic seeds. Cardamom is called as a versatile spice because of its usage in both sweet and salty foods.


        • Botanical Name: Elettaria Cardamomum Maton
        • Family: Zingiberaceae
        • Part Used: Fruit Seed
        • Harvesting Season: October to December
        • Packaging & Labelling: As per buyer’s requirement
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            Celery Seeds

            Celery seeds are the small, dried seeds of the celery plant (Apium graveolens). They have a strong, concentrated flavor reminiscent of celery but with a more intense and slightly bitter taste. Celery seeds are commonly used as a spice or seasoning in cooking, particularly in pickling, soups, stews, and spice blends. They can also be ground into a powder and added to various dishes for flavour enhancement. In addition to their culinary uses, celery seeds are believed to have potential health benefits and are used in traditional medicine for their diuretic and digestive properties.

            • Botanical Name Apium graveolens
            • Family Apiaceae
            • Part Used Fruit
            • Packaging & Labelling As per buyer’s requirement

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              Chilli (Whole & Grounded)

              Chili peppers have been a part of the human diet in the Americas since at least 7500 BC. There is archaeological evidence at sites located in southwestern Ecuador that chili peppers were domesticated more than 6000 years ago, and is one of the first cultivated crops in the Central and South Americas that is selfpollinating.


              • Whole Chilles
              • Chilli Powder
              • Crushed Red Chilles
              • Grounded Red Chilles
              • Botanical Name Capsicum Frutescens
              • Family Solanaceae
              • Part Used Fruit
              • Harvesting Season During January, February, March, April and May
              • Packaging & Labelling As per buyer’s requirement

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                Cinnamon (Cassia)

                Native to Ceylon (Sri Lanka), true cinnamon, Cinnamomum zeylanicum, dates back in Chinese writings to 2800 B.C., and is still known as kwai in the Chinese language today. Its botanical name derives from the Hebraic and Arabic term amomon, meaning fragrant spice plant. Ancient Egyptians used cinnamon in their embalming process. From their word for cannon, Italians called it canella, meaning “little tube,” which aptly describes cinnamon sticks.

                In the first century A.D., Pliny the Elder wrote of 350 grams of cinnamon as being equal in value to over five kilograms of silver, about fifteen times the value of silver per weight.

                • Botanical Name Cinnamomum verum Presl
                • Family Lauraceae
                • Packaging & Labelling As per buyer’s requirement

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                  Coriander is a soft, hairless plant that grows up to 50 cm (20 in) tall. The leaves are variable in shape, broadly lobed at the base of the plant, and slender and feathery higher on the flowering stems.


                  • Botanical Name: Coriander Sativam L
                  • Family: Umbelliferae
                  • Part Used: Leaf & Seed
                  • Flavour: The seeds are warm, mild and sweetish.
                  • Packaging & Labelling: As per buyer’s requirement

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                    Cumin has been in use since ancient times. Seeds excavated at the Syrian site Tell ed-Der have been dated to the second millennium BC. They have also been reported from several New Kingdom levels of ancient Egyptian archaeological sites.

                    • Botanical Name Cuminum cyminum
                    • Family Apiaceae
                    • Part Used Fruit
                    • Harvesting Season February to March
                    • Marketing Season April to May
                    • Packaging & Labelling As per buyer’s requirement

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                      Curry Leaf

                      Curry leaf, also known as sweet neem leaf, is an aromatic leaf commonly used in Indian cuisine. It comes from the curry tree, which is native to the Indian subcontinent and is now cultivated in various tropical regions around the world. In addition to their culinary uses, curry leaves also offer several potential health benefits. They are a rich source of antioxidants and have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Some studies suggest that curry leaves may help in managing diabetes, reducing cholesterol levels, promoting digestive health, and supporting hair and skin health.

                      • Botanical Name Murraya Koenigli
                      • Family Rutaceae
                      • Part Used Leaf
                      • Packaging & Labelling As per buyer’s requirement

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                        Dill Seed

                        Dill originated within an area around the Meditteranean and the South of Russia. Zohary and Hopf remark that “wild and weedy types of dill are widespread in the Mediterranean basin and in West Asia.” Although several twigs of dill were found in the tomb of Amenhotep II, they report that the earliest archeological evidence for its cultivation comes from late Neolithic lake shore settlements in Switzerland. Traces have been found in Roman ruins in Great Britain.

                        Dill Seed:

                      • Botanical Name: Anethum graveolens L
                      • Family: Umbelliferae
                      • Part Used: Seed
                      • Harvesting Season: July, Aug
                      • Flavour: Aromatic and slightly bitter, similar to caraway.
                      • Packaging: 18 kgs/25 kgs /40 kgs in Jute or HDPE Bags.
                      • Labelling: As per buyer’s requirement
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                          Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) is a plant species in the genus Foeniculum (treated as the sole species in the genus by most botanists). It is a member of the family Apiaceae (formerly the Umbelliferae). It is a hardy, perennial, umbelliferous herb, with yellow flowers and feathery leaves. It is indigenous to the shores of the Mediterranean, but has become widely naturalised in many parts of the world, especially on dry soils near the sea-coast and on riverbanks.

                          • Botanical Name Foeniculum vulgare
                          • Family Apiaceae
                          • Part Used Fruit
                          • Hotness Scale 1
                          • Flavour Similar to wild anise
                          • Harvesting Season February to March
                          • Other names Common Fennel, Florence Fennel, Large Fennel.
                          • Labelling As per buyer’s requirement

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                            The name fenugreek or foenum-graecum is from Latin for “Greek hay”. The plant’s similarity to wild clover has likely spawned its Swedish name: “bockhornsklöver” as well as the German: “Bockshornklee”, both literally meaning: “ram’s horn clover”.


                          • Botanical Name: Trigonella foenum-graecum L
                          • Family: Leguminosae
                          • Part Used: Seed
                          • Harvesting Season: Feb, March
                          • Hotness Scale: 2
                          • Flavour: powerful ,aromatic and bittersweet, like burnt sugar.
                          • Packaging: 18 kgs/25 kgs /40 kgs in Jute or HDPE Bags
                          • Labelling: As per buyer’s requirement
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                              Allium sativum, commonly known as garlic, is a species in the onion genus, Allium. Its close relatives include the onion, shallot, leek, chive, and rakkyo. Dating back over 6,000 years, garlic is native to central Asia, and has long been a staple in the Mediterranean region, as well as a frequent seasoning in Asia, Africa, and Europe. It was known to Ancient Egyptians, and has been used throughout its history for both culinary and medicinal purposes.


                              • Botanical Name: Foeniculum vulgare
                              • Family: Apiaceae (Umbelliferae)
                              • Part Used: Bulb
                              • Harvesting Season: Feb, March
                              • Packaging & Labelling: As per buyer’s requirement

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                                Ginger is a root spice with a pungent and slightly sweet flavour. It is commonly used in cooking and is a key ingredient in many cuisines around the world. Ginger can be consumed fresh, dried, powdered, or as a juice or oil. It is known for its strong aroma and distinctively warm and spicy taste. Apart from its culinary uses, ginger has been used for centuries for its potential health benefits. It is believed to have anti-inflammatory, digestive, and immune-boosting properties.


                                • Botanical Name: Zingiber officinale R.
                                • Family: Zingiberaceae
                                • Packaging & Labelling: As per buyer’s requirement

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                                  Mustard is a condiment made from the seeds of the mustard plant. It is typically yellow in color and has a tangy flavour. It is commonly used as a topping for sandwiches, hot dogs, and hamburgers, and as an ingredient in salad dressings, marinades, and sauces. Whole, ground, cracked, or bruised mustard seed are mixed with water, salt, lemon juice, or other liquids, and sometimes other flavourings and spices, to create a paste or sauce ranging in color from bright yellow to dark brown.


                                  • Botanical Name: Brassica alba L, B. nigra K and B. Juncea L
                                  • Family: Cruciferae
                                  • Part Used: Seed
                                  • Packaging & Labelling: As per buyer’s requirement

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                                    One study has shown that the compound macelignan isolated from Myristica fragrans (Myristicaceae) may exert antimicrobial activity against Streptococcus mutants, but this treatment is no longer used. Nutmeg has been used in medicine since at least the seventh century. In the 19th century it was used as an abortifacient drug, which led to numerous recorded cases of nutmeg poisoning.

                                    • Botanical Name: Myristica fragrans H
                                    • Family: Myristicaceae
                                    • Harvesting Season: June, July
                                    • Packaging & Labelling: As per buyer’s requirement

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                                      Paprika is a spice made from dried and ground bell peppers or chili peppers. It is commonly used in various cuisines, particularly in Hungarian, Spanish, and Mediterranean dishes. Paprika adds a vibrant red color and a mild, sweet, or sometimes smoky flavour to food. There are different types of paprika available, including sweet or mild paprika, hot paprika, and smoked paprika. The choice of paprika depends on the desired level of heat and flavour in a particular recipe.

                                      • Botanical Name Capsicum annum
                                      • Family Solanaceae
                                      • Part Used Fruit Seed
                                      • Packaging & Labelling As per buyer’s requirement

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                                        Sennas are a group of plants that encompass various forms, including shrubs, subshrubs, herbs, and small trees. Some sennas can become scandent, meaning they can climb or grow into other vegetation for support. The different species within the Senna genus exhibit a range of growth habits and sizes, contributing to their diverse botanical characteristics.


                                        • Botanical Name: Cassia Angustifolia
                                        • Family: Caesalpinaceae
                                        • Part Used: Pods, Stems And Leaves
                                        • Packaging & Labelling: As per buyer’s requirement

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                                          Tamarind is a tropical fruit that is widely used in various cuisines around the world, particularly in South Asia, Southeast Asia, and Latin America. It has a sweet and tangy flavour, similar to a combination of citrus and dates. Tamarind is typically used as a condiment, flavouring agent, or ingredient in savory and sweet dishes. It contains antioxidants and has potential health benefits, such as aiding digestion, promoting a healthy heart, and managing blood sugar levels.


                                          • Botanical Name: Tamarindus Indica
                                          • Family: Fabaceae
                                          • Part Used: Fruit
                                          • Packaging & Labelling: As per buyer’s requirement

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                                            Turmeric (Curcuma longa) is a rhizomatous herbaceous perennial plant of the ginger family, Zingiberaceae. It is native to tropical South Asia and needs temperatures between 20 °C and 30 °C and a considerable amount of annual rainfall to thrive. Plants are gathered annually for their rhizomes, and propagated from some of those rhizomes in the following season. Turmeric is the dried root of curcuma Longa. It has a tough brown skin and bright orange flesh. It is a major ingredient in curry powder.

                                            • Botanical Name Curcuma Longa
                                            • Family Zingiberaceae
                                            • Part Used Rhizome, Leaf
                                            • Harvesting Season Feb, March
                                            • Packaging & Labelling As per buyer’s requirement

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